In Sleepiness and in Wake…

I Naijahusband, take you Naijawife…to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in sleepiness and in wake, until death do us part.

Apparently…only one thing in this world can make me wake up once I’m asleep

*At 1 a.m. in the morning*

Naijawife: “Babe…

Naijahusband: “Hmmm?”

Naijawife: “Darling

Naijahusband: “Hmmm?”

Naijawife: “I can’t sleep

Naijahusband: “Hmmm?”

Naijawife: “Can you hold me?”

Naijahusband: “Hmmm?”

Naijawife: “….never mind.

Naijahusband: “Zzzzzzzzz


*The following week, at around midnight*

Naijawife: “Wake up!!!”

Naijahusband: “Hmmm?”

Naijawife: “The neighbour’s house is on fire!

Naijahusband: “Hmmm?”

Naijawife: “Get up! Get up!

Naijahusband: “Hmmm?”

Naijawife: “We have to help!

Naijahusband: “Hmmm?”

Naijawife: “Sigh….never mind. I’ll go myself.

Naijahusband: “Zzzzzzzzz


*Two weeks later, at around 4 a.m.*

Naijawife: “Babe…

Naijahusband: “Hmmm?”

Naijawife: “Your mom just called

Naijahusband: *springs up out of bed* “What?! What happened? What happened?

Naijawife: *eyes him warily*

Naijahusband: “Is she ok? What’s wrong?!”

Naijawife: “She said there’s a rat in her bedroom.”

Naijahusband: “WHAT?! Hand me my phone right now!

Naijawife: *hands him phone*  *eyes him again* *sucks her teeth* “….mscheeeewwww

Naijahusband: *as he jumps up to wear trousers and rush to his mother’s house. “What’s wrong? What happened? Why do you have that look on your face?

Naijawife: “Nothing o. Greet her for me. Bye.”

Boy bye





10 responses to “In Sleepiness and in Wake…”

  1. Godly Woman Avatar

    You will come and meet me at home. That’s the face she gave you

  2. Anita Avatar

    Lol ….men and their mothers!

  3. Cynthia Avatar

    Ah..naija husband. This one is strong o. Shebi you are coming back abi. Tell us what happened when you cane back o.

  4. Ghanja wife Avatar
    Ghanja wife

    Lmao. You Don enter this one oh

  5. Ayonrinde Oluwatomiwa Avatar
    Ayonrinde Oluwatomiwa

    ??? you have entered this one o. Please come back with flowers and chocolate and a teddy bear. Be ready to do penance.

  6. eka Avatar

    Hahahahaha She knows your mumu button…..

  7. Berry Dakara Avatar

    LOL. Is it only that? How about when hubby hangs up because he has to rush and answer mummy’s phone call – like your call wasn’t important too?

  8. Mrs. O Avatar
    Mrs. O

    I don’t believe how much I’ve missed you and Naijawife and now, Naijababy.

    Come back to us 🙁

  9. Dami Avatar

    NH I’ve missed you and naijawife and your humorous posts. I used to read your posts till you went on break. Haa Pls I hope you are not a mummy’s boy oo,, pls NW takes priority over her plsssss?

    1. Damiluv Avatar

      And now that I’ve just seen that you guys are back I’m off to catch up with the other new posts after the break ???

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