It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye…

It’s been very hard to say goodbye to this blog.

So I won’t.

New posts dropping soon.






38 responses to “It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye…”

  1. calabar gal Avatar
    calabar gal

    We love you too!

  2. calabar gal Avatar
    calabar gal

    We love you too! Please dont say goodbye….

  3. Sayedero Avatar


  4. theafroattorney Avatar

    Ah, you scared me. Thank God. The wait was been real.

  5. Missy Avatar

    I was sad for few seconds, please don’t say goodbye. We love the blog.

    Can’t wait for the new posts.

  6. Hamira Tamiko El-Z Avatar

    Yayy for new posts!! Its been a long wait indeed and you were definitely missed. Please don’t say goodbye.

    1. Tizzy Avatar

      Yayyyy! I knew I was right not to give up! Singing ‘Welcome back! – Ma$e’

  7. Lovelyn Avatar


  8. Shade Avatar

    We need your posts! Don’t say goodbye! Please keep working at it.

  9. dnddyon Avatar

    Oh my!
    When I saw this notification on my mail, I was like, ” holl’up, did i just see a mail from Naijahusband?”
    Cheers to new things!
    we’ve missed you guys!

  10. Jemimah Adalemo Avatar
    Jemimah Adalemo

    Dancing!! Finally…

  11. Aibee Avatar

    Since that we have been waiting for you, you now want to make us afraid by “saying goodbye”? Warn yourself oh.

  12. Tunmise Avatar

    Ah!!! Finally!!! Been checking and checking! Thank God you’re not saying goodbye 🙂

  13. chizzyodilinye Avatar

    Good to have you back….

  14. thepretendchef Avatar

    A hearty welcome back.

    1. Bola Avatar

      I love your blog naija singlegirl

  15. Ghangeiran Wife Avatar

    yaaaaaay, Oluwa seun

  16. Tamie Avatar

    The way I rushed here from my mail box.
    Waiting pretty! ☺

  17. Cherie Avatar

    Whooop. It’s about time yo!!!

  18. Llina Avatar

    Oh thank God!, you almost gave me a heart attack!

  19. delols Avatar

    Good to have you back NH. Can’t wait to catch up on you and NW.

  20. ovine Avatar

    Welcome back naijahusband

  21. Yevandy Avatar

    finally!!! welcome back..
    *doing the chicken dance*

  22. Ruby Avatar


  23. Dr K Avatar
    Dr K

    Oh thank you Lord!! we’re just here sitting, waiting for you

  24. olatoxic Avatar

    Ha ha! See trolling. It’s been too long.

  25. sphinxspectrum Avatar

    Yaaaas!!! Awesome.

  26. Barbie Avatar

    I miss you guys scatter…

  27. girl Avatar

    Welcome back! Welcome back! Weeeeeelcome back!

  28. Tutu Avatar

    I missed you so much! At some point I came on here to read your old posts wondering how you and NW are… looking forward to your posts! You’re awesome!

  29. that9jageh Avatar

    It’s been too long and we’re lost without you, what are we going to do? Daddy we’re missing you (and mummy). But this one has been since one month na. Please bless us again

  30. Oma Avatar


  31. Bunny Avatar

    I’ve been waiting for a new post, glad to have you back.

    1. NaijaHusband Avatar

      We’re glad to be back

  32. Kiz Avatar


  33. Omoba Avatar

    I’m finding it very hard to forgive you. The wait has been too long. I’ve been refreshing for years, I just checked back randomly today. Thank God you’re back. I was so scared there has been some sort of tragedy. Please don’t do this to us your readers again or at least warn us please. Na beg I dey beg. On a lighter not, thank you for coming back 🙂

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