One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. So, welcome to Episode 3 of the Things NaijaWife Says Series!
Episode 3: Where Did You Put…?
Getting ready for bed…
NaijaWife: “Where did you put my hairnet?!”
NaijaHusband: “What makes you think I moved it?”
NaijaWife: “Because you hate my hairnet and you ALWAYS move my things!”
NaijaHusband: *Reaches over her to pull the hairnet from beside her pillow.”
NaijaWife: “Eh heh. You see? Who told you to put it there?”
The Next Day
NaijaWife: “Where did you put my keys NH? I thought I told you to stop moving them!”
NaijaHusband: “Have you actually tried looking for it?”
NaijaWife: “No point. I know you’re the one who moved it so just find it for me.”
NaijaHusband: *Reaches into her purse – pulls key out.*
NaijaWife: “You see? Who sent you to put them in my purse?”
Barely an hour later….
NaijaWife: “NH! Where did you put it? I’m getting so tired of this!”
NaijaHusband: “Where did i put what?”
NaijaWife: “Don’t pretend you don’t know! It’s like your spirit won’t allow you to leave my things in peace. Just bring it out!
NaijaHusband: *Thinks for a minute. Reaches up and pulls her glasses from her hair and hands them to her*
NaijaWife: “You see? And you were pretending not to know! You could have just told me where my glasses were from the beginning.”

Look out for more episodes of Things NaijaWife Says !
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