One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. So, welcome to Episode 3 of the Things NaijaHusband Says Series!
Episode 3: Who’s That?
Naijahusband: “That movie you like is on TV.”
NaijaWife: “Which movie?”
NaijaHusband: “Ghandi and the Fellowship of the Elves.”
NaijaWife: *Thinking*……………..
NaijaWife: *Thinking*……………..
NaijaWife: *Sigh* ..….You mean Lord of the Rings?
Another day
NaijaWife: *Reading news on phone* “Wow! Kanye West got engaged! I can’t believe this!”
NaijaHusband: “Oh really? To who?”
NaijaWife: “Um…to Kim Kardashian obviously.”
NaijaHusband: “Who?”
1 hour later
NaijaWife: “I really need to stop reading Linda Ikeji. This can’t be good for my brain.”
NaijaHusband: “Who’s that?”
NaijaWife: *stunned silence*
NaijaHusband: “Is she a singer?”
Following week
Naijawife: *Reading Gossip Magazine about the Royals* – “Oh they say Princess Beatrice moved to America…the girl too resemble her mama sef.”
NaijaHusband: “Nice!…Who is she?”
NaijaWife: “Seriously? The Duchess’s daughter! You know…Fergie!”
NaijaHusband: “Oh the Singer?”
NaijaWife: “No! The Royal! Red hair? Big Teeth? Remember?”
NaijaHusband: “Um… she sang “American Boy” right?”
NaijaWife: *Sigh*
NaijaHusband: “What’s wrong?”
NaijaWife: “I need more female friends.”
NaijaHusband does not know pop culture or celebrities at all. This is probably a good thing.
Look out for more episodes of Things NaijaWife Says and Things NaijaHusband Says!
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