Things Naijahusband Says – Episode 3: Who’s That?

One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. So, welcome to Episode 3 of the Things NaijaHusband Says Series!

Episode 3: Who’s That?

Naijahusband: “That movie you like is on TV.”

NaijaWife:  “Which movie?”

NaijaHusband: “Ghandi and the Fellowship of the Elves.”

NaijaWife: *Thinking*……………..

NaijaWife: *Thinking*……………..

NaijaWife: *Sigh* ..….You mean Lord of the Rings?

All NaijaHusband knows is that one of these two people was in a movie I liked.
All NaijaHusband knows is that one of these two people was in a movie I liked.

Another day

NaijaWife: *Reading news on phone*  “Wow! Kanye West got engaged! I can’t believe this!”

NaijaHusband: “Oh really? To who?”

NaijaWife: “Um…to Kim Kardashian obviously.”

NaijaHusband: “Who?”

I wonder if NaijaHusband even knows who Kanye West is...
I wonder if NaijaHusband even knows who Kanye West is…

1 hour later

NaijaWife: “I really need to stop reading Linda Ikeji. This can’t be good for my brain.”

NaijaHusband: “Who’s that?”

NaijaWife: *stunned silence*

NaijaHusband: “Is she a singer?”

Following week

Naijawife: *Reading Gossip Magazine about the Royals* – “Oh they say Princess Beatrice moved to America…the girl too resemble her mama sef.”

NaijaHusband: “Nice!…Who is she?”

NaijaWife: “Seriously? The Duchess’s daughter! You know…Fergie!”

NaijaHusband: “Oh the Singer?”

NaijaWife: “No! The Royal! Red hair? Big Teeth? Remember?”

NaijaHusband: “Um… she sang “American Boy” right?”

All three are the same according to NaijaHuband
All three are the same according to NaijaHuband

NaijaWife: *Sigh*

NaijaHusband: “What’s wrong?”

NaijaWife: “I need more female friends.”

NaijaHusband does not know pop culture or celebrities at all.  This is probably a good thing.

Look out for more episodes of Things NaijaWife Says and Things NaijaHusband Says!





34 responses to “Things Naijahusband Says – Episode 3: Who’s That?”

  1. Yimika Avatar

    You can’t blame the man naa lol. Atleast, you know you are the only celebrity he knows *winks*

  2. vikie_carson Avatar

    Lmao. This is good

  3. StupendousGrace Avatar

    ‘Who’s that?’, ‘to who?’ Lol!

    Nice…about not knowing pop culture or who Kim Kardashian or Kanye West are, that’s what I meant when I said in that NH vs Uncle Efe post that NH didn’t know ‘what’s up’. And I agree with NW, it’s a good thing and for this type of gist, she sure needs more female friends.

    You guys crack me up all the time, I have my own image of NW’s face as she confirms yet again that her dear NH is just not interested in those funky gists. LOL.

    Nice post!

  4. DVees Avatar

    Haha hilarous!!! I can definitely relate. I remember complaining to my husband about Beyonce’s recent nakedness. He listened for like 5 minutes and said “and this is important because???” Didnt help that I was giving him this gist over the phone. I just jejely dropped the phone and started analysing the gist with my sisters on whatapp 🙂

  5. Berry Dakara Avatar


    At least Cakes is better than NH in this regard.

    1. Berry Dakara Avatar

      Although Cakes’s own knowledge is on another level. Sometimes, the info he presents as fact are just astounding! E.g. He detests Ellen Degeneres because she used to be married before and decided to dump her husband and become a lesbian…

      You should have seen the shocked look on my face – like HOW????? IN WHAT WORLD DID THAT HAPPEN???

      1. Vics Avatar

        Lol…Really? She was married before? I have watched Ellen for years but didn’t know that.

        1. Berry Dakara Avatar

          She was NEVER married. But Cakes has the most outrageous facts that aren’t true

          1. heartstringsandkeynotes Avatar

            Loooooool! Now this is funny

  6. chocoholicgirl1 Avatar

    Looooooooooooool! At least there is man on this planet who doesn’t know kim k …

  7. HoneyDame Avatar

    LMAOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! LMAOOOO…I dont even know what I’d have done if I were in your shoes

  8. Nonye Avatar

    Hahahahahahaha abeg free the brother!

  9. Cannime Avatar

    Surprised he thought Linda Ikeji was singer. Lol naijahusband for real.

  10. Lady ID Avatar

    LOL. It’s probably a good thing. Although the Ghandi/Gandalf one…as a movie buff that would be interesting to say the least:)

  11. Good Naija Girl Avatar

    hehehe…NH has more time to fill his brain with important stuff this way! I only say that because my pop culture knowledge isn’t so great either.

  12. Gee | KnotsVilla Avatar

    Hahahha!…He and my hubby would get along so well! I have given up when it comes to that with him…actually i think he is now rubbing off on me. Lol!

  13. 1 + The One Avatar

    LOL.. Ghandi and the Fellowship of the Elves just did it for me. Hahahaha!

    1. Cherrywine Avatar

      In fact… Afi Gandhi and the Fellowship of the Elves na. Naija Husband just crammed 3 movies into one title: Gandhi, Fellowship of the Ring and either Elves (1989) or Elf (2003). Way to go jare, NH!

  14. yougeecash Avatar

    Lool! Una two sha. Busy as he might be, he should try to at least know these people so you have more common ground for convos. That’s what me thinks sha. But I can’t say I blame him much. Most men hardly keep up with all these stuff. As for Linda Ikeji, please quit. Really isn’t good for your brain.
    I love! love!! love!!! u guys! You make me want to marry sharp sharp 😀

  15. Inthemidstofher Avatar

    I dont blame him. You know I am equally as bad. I actually think not knowing all these things is a form of self protection. I tell myself I am protecting myself from Brain rot.

    1. Maggielola Avatar

      Protection from brain rot? Wow please layer ’em thick, lol. Haha

  16. Maggielola Avatar

    So I thought it was just me with my brain gasping for oxygen whenever I read Linda Ikeji’s blog. It’s not her but her readers…they’re out of this world. Lol

    Good thing he doesn’t know about celebrities. He is the perfect getaway…right in your bedroon. The perfect balance o, Naija Wife.

    1. Cherrywine Avatar

      Chai! I thought I was the only one that felt that way about Linda’s readers. I have to lay down in a darkened room to overcome the typos, bile, ignorance and foolery that they spew on that blog. I am detoxing from LIB for now. NH, more power to you for not knowing and more importantly not caring. “Is she a singer?” Kai, I died!!! NW, step into the light biko. Lol. Y’all know I love you guys.

  17. mpb Avatar

    How can he not know who Linda Ikeji is?????? I refuse to believe it lol.

  18. livelytwist Avatar

    That’s why he has you to enlighten him & rescue him from the dark ages! NH, if it’s consolation, I’m just about as clueless as you are 🙂

  19. Nma Nazzy Agada Avatar

    Couple of the year! U guys keep me smiling

  20. Kitchen Butterfly Avatar

    Let me tell you that I am like Naija Husband….not that bad sha.

    I knew who Don Jazzy was only a few months ago.
    I didn’t know who Stella …that actress was.

    Abeg jo….heads in the clouds busy thinking of other stuff 🙂

    XXX (for Naija wife o)

  21. Essay Avatar

    LOL @ “Ghandi …” D picture it creates in my head is priceless.

    Stumbled upon you guys earlier today and I can’t get enough. Spent three straight hrs on your articles. Please don’t ever stop. Your togetherness and your blogs make me hopeful.

    Stay tight and please continue to keep it real.

  22. pawpawandmango Avatar

    He’s so not typical!

  23. mstizzle Avatar

    LOLLL!! Your husband is cute and personally I think it’s safe this way.

  24. phoenix Avatar

    I don’t bother anymore after Gorgeousness asked me who Diana Ross was in the middle of my gist. When he goes all tech lingo on me I simply say…pls repeat all that in plain English!!!

  25. iyeside Avatar

    Heheee….my hubby is jus a bit better than NH buh in general knows nobody xcpt d naija actors…lov u guys NH and NW

  26. Zinny Avatar

    To be honest, ’twas only when I moved to Lagos and began work at my current place that I got to know who Linda Ikeji is. As it is, I do not know half the musicians, actors and Nigerian celebrities we now have. Was not too long ago I have found about Davido and Tiwa. The way I see it, in this regard Ignorance is Bliss.

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