Tag: Things NaijaHusband Says
Things Naijahusband Says – Episode 3: Who’s That?
One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. So, welcome to Episode 3 of the Things NaijaHusband Says Series! Episode 3: Who’s That? Naijahusband: “That movie you like is on TV.” NaijaWife: “Which movie?” NaijaHusband: “Ghandi and the Fellowship of…
Things NaijaHusband Says – Episode 2: Jammed
One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. Welcome to Episode 2 of the Things NaijaHusband Says Series! Inspired by the Things Guys Don’t Say and Things Black Girls Say memes. Episode 2: JAMMED 7 am NaijaWife: *Kisses NaijaHusband* “How’s your day looking…
Things NaijaHusband Says – Episode 1: Misquotations
One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. Welcome to Episode 1 of the Things NaijaHusband Says Series! Inspired by the Things Guys Don’t Say and Things Black Girls Say memes. Episode 1: Misquotations NaijaHusband: *Going on and on about his dream job*…